
Opening the (first) bank account

Marketplace To manage a company you need a bank account, so I went, one more time, to e-Residence Marketplace to search a bank account. You must know that there are only a few number of options when searching a business bank and some of them are not ‘true’ banks, they are fintechs. The reason […]


Establishing a company

I had my e-Resident kit, I tested it and it worked fine. So I could establish my company. But before of that I had to select a service provider, a company that help me and also a virtual office, because it is mandatory to have a virtual office (legal address & contact person) located in […]


Paris mon amour

Well, finally I chose Paris as my pick up location. There are some cities that I would love to visit once a year, Paris is one of them. I planned a romantic weekend with my wife, but, sometimes things doesn’t happen as expected. Some days before our trip French people went on strike. Trust me, […]


Applying for e-Residency

I suppose that you have been searching information about Estonian e-Residency and you think that it is a good tool and you want to apply for it. At this point you know, as Estonian Police and Border Guard Board website says, that: e-Residency is a transnational digital identity available to anyone in the world interested […]


Before to start the journey

Every journey is different. Plan your own journey.


About me

I am an university and high school teacher. I teach IT topics: hardware, OS, programming and Microsoft Dynamics NAV. A lot of years ago I have been a developer. Two years ago, I was bored during Christmas holidays and I started to watch a Youtube video about developing Android apps. A month and a half […]


About my journey

My e-Residency journey started more than one year ago. Here I am going to explain the steps of journey from applying for e-Residency to managing a company online.