
Applying for a LHV bank account

If you have read my post about Estonian IBAN you know that for a lot of companies there few options for having this IBAN. In my opinion the best one is an LHV account. But before to apply, read this information about them in the e-Residency Marketplace: At first I was very pessimistic because […]


Share capital

What is it? According to Collins Dictionary: A company’s share capital is the money that shareholders invest in order to start or expand the business. Moreover the Share capital is a proof that you own the company and how many of it you own when there are more than one shareholder. Social capital is […]


Opening the (first) bank account

Marketplace To manage a company you need a bank account, so I went, one more time, to e-Residence Marketplace to search a bank account. You must know that there are only a few number of options when searching a business bank and some of them are not ‘true’ banks, they are fintechs. The reason […]